AWS and Kubernetes done right: Why use Cluster API for cluster lifecycle management

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About the webinar

There are many ways to provision Kubernetes clusters in AWS, from Terraform to CloudFormations, eksctl, CDK (Cloud Developer Kit), among others. So, why need another one with Cluster API?

Beyond the need for a consistent experience across multicloud environments, CNCF's Cluster API (CAPI) gives operators a declarative way to deploy and manage Kubernetes clusters that can provide peace of mind and the ability to integrate into GitOps workflows.

What you will learn

  • The operational benefits of using Cluster API with Amazon Web Services
  • How to build and manage Kubernetes clusters in a declarative way
  • What to consider beyond day 0 and day 1 operations and how to holistically address lifecycle management
  • How Spectro Cloud's Palette can unify your GitOps workflows and Kubernetes cluster management

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Hosted by

Pedro Oliveira
Senior Systems Engineer

Pedro is a Senior Solutions Architect at Spectro Cloud focusing on helping enterprises move into the next-gen Kubernetes world. In his 8 years of experience he has worked in several industries from F1 to fintech and has mainly dabbled with Infrastructure programmability, Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence and Cloud Native. At heart he is an engineer and a developer. If you can't find him coding, look in the gym.

Justin Barksdale
Principal Architect