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June 24, 2020

Industry Analyst Firm Recognizes Spectro Cloud as a Leader in Making Kubernetes Manageable at Scale for Enterprises That Need Superior Control and Flexibility

SANTA CLARA, Calif., June 24, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Spectro Cloud, an enterprise cloud-native infrastructure company, today announced that it was awarded a Top 3 ranking by Enterprise Management Associates (EMA) in the Hybrid Cloud Management – Managed Hybrid Kubernetes category of the “EMA Top 3 Enterprise Decision Guide 2020”:

This new guide identifies top enterprise software products based on how well they address today’s critical pain points in hybrid cloud management. EMA selects its Top 3 products based on the analysis of large numbers of real-life problems, challenges and priorities experienced by software developers, IT operators, DevOps engineers and security professionals on a daily basis.

Spectro Cloud provides scalable, policy-based management of Kubernetes for enterprises that need flexibility and consistent management of their infrastructure, whether it is in public cloud, private cloud, bare metal or in any combination. The company is the first to hit the sweet spot between restrictive managed Kubernetes offerings and complex DIY efforts.

"Spectro Cloud received the EMA Top 3 award for making hybrid Kubernetes accessible to the vast majority of enterprises that don’t want to hire large numbers of cloud-native operations specialists. Governance, compliance and reliability for Kubernetes are non-trivial challenges even when using public cloud services such as GKE, AKS or EKS," said Torsten Volk, Managing Research Director at EMA. “Enterprises need an alternative approach like Spectro Cloud to be able to realize the full benefits of Kubernetes.”

Spectro Cloud helps enterprises customize a Kubernetes infrastructure stack for specific business needs by using a declarative model to define cluster profiles. Spectro Cloud uses these cluster profiles to automate deployment and maintenance of clusters across the enterprise. Canary deployments, patterns for rolling out releases to a subset of users or servers, ensure Kubernetes upgrades don’t break dependencies on other ecosystem components while keeping everything consistent with enterprise-wide standards.

“We’re thrilled that EMA has validated our approach to helping enterprises realize the full potential of Kubernetes,” said Tenry Fu, co-founder and CEO of Spectro Cloud. “Independent validation like this is an honor and helps customers learn that there is a solution to the pain they’re experiencing. They don’t have to settle for the restrictions of other managed Kubernetes approaches, and they don’t have to do everything on their own. Spectro Cloud is here to help customers get the flexibility and consistent management they need.”

Instead of converting their entire business to a single cloud vendor’s preferred way of working, enterprises can experiment with new approaches at the pace that makes sense for them. Developers can work at the speed they need, while security and audit controls are embedded into the process, regardless of where clusters are deployed. Enterprises can make use of public cloud, private cloud, whatever suits their needs at the time, and change their mind as circumstances require.

With Spectro Cloud, the promise of Kubernetes can finally be realized.

About Enterprise Management Associates (EMA)

Founded in 1996, EMA is a leading industry analyst firm that provides deep insight across the full spectrum of IT and data management technologies. EMA analysts leverage a unique combination of practical experience, insight into industry best practices and in-depth knowledge of current and planned vendor solutions to help its clients achieve their goals. Learn more about EMA research, analysis and consulting services for enterprise line of business users, IT professionals and IT vendors at

About Spectro Cloud

Spectro Cloud is an enterprise cloud-native infrastructure company that makes Kubernetes manageable at scale for enterprises that need superior control and flexibility. Spectro Cloud provides solutions that help enterprises run Kubernetes their way, anywhere. Spectro Cloud is founded by multi-cloud management experts and is backed by Sierra Ventures and Boldstart Ventures. For more information, visit or follow @spectrocloudinc.